Humanity, who has always been pursuing perfection, has continued to develop machines. However, machines continue to develop on their own and build '0110', a more complete digital world that resembles the human world. However, machines that value only efficiency reduce unnecessary things one by one in the human world, and humanity eventually perish. And, eventually, the digital world gradually returns to its original form, that is, a form similar to a computer chip.
However,'H-6', the only survivor who gained eternal life by grafting his body and machinery. He try to escape from the tyranny of ruthless machines by using his cloned human'DH-6'.
항상 완벽을 추구하던 인류는 지속해서 기계를 발전시켜왔다. 그러나 기계는 스스로 발전에 발전을 거듭하며 인간세계와 똑 닮은, 그보다 더 완벽한 디지털 세상인 '0110'을 구축하게 된다. 하지만 효율성만을 중시하던 기계들은 인간 세상에 불필요한 것들을 하나하나 줄이게 되고 인류는 결국 멸망하게 된다. 그리고 디지털 세상은 결국 점점 본인들의 본연의 모습, 즉 컴퓨터 칩과 유사한 모습으로 돌아가게 된다.
그러나 자신의 신체와 기계를 접목시켜 영생을 얻게 된 유일한 생존자 'H-6'. 그는자신의 복제인간 'DH-6' 을 이용해 무자비한 기계들의 횡포로부터 탈출을 시도한다.
Designed and Directed by Taehoon Park
Score by Echoic
Special Thanks
Sungjoo Jung, Gryun Kim, Woosung Kang, Ihsu Yoon, Yongsub Song, Jeff Han, Jigoon Roh, Ilya Abulkhanov, Victor Jory, Maxim Goudin, Jan Sladecko
Score by Echoic
Special Thanks
Sungjoo Jung, Gryun Kim, Woosung Kang, Ihsu Yoon, Yongsub Song, Jeff Han, Jigoon Roh, Ilya Abulkhanov, Victor Jory, Maxim Goudin, Jan Sladecko
This film is a part of online format exhibition 'Asymmetry'. https://asymmetry.tv/ led by Gryun Kim
Asymmetry title sequence: https://vimeo.com/379204811
Cinema4D, Aftereffects, Redshift, Marvelous Designer, Zbrush,