HUNTERS Season 2
Main Title Sequence by
check out Hunters season 1 title.
The hunt is back on, but this time it’s bigger than before. Back for Season 2, Design Director Jeff Han and the Elastic crew have strategically set the stage in their tension-building main title for the new season of Hunters. See how the game plays out and stream the entire second season on Amazon Prime video!
PROCESS Design Frames

Production Stills - Final Version

Design Director: Jeff Han
Designer(s): Min Shi, Taehoon Park
Animators: Gryun Kim, Alex Silver
3D Artists: José Limón, Adam Rosenzweig
Editor: Rachel Fowler
Producer: James Howell
Production Coordinator: Hannah Rowswell
Head of CG Production: Alexander Ramos
Executive Producer: Kate Berry
Managing Director: Jennifer Sofio Hall